Let us hope that, in the face of this senseless aggression, all sides will, er, keep a stiff upper lip!CAIRO – When an elder was kidnapped in a clan dispute in conservative southern Egypt, the Al Arab family’s worst fears were soon realized – they received a package containing his mustache, local media reported Sunday.
The man himself was returned uninjured, but the use of the new shaving tactic sent shockwaves through the town of Mahrusa, near Luxor, 650 kilometers (400 miles) south of Cairo, where a man’s honor is measured by the size of his mustache, the Al-Gumhuriya daily said.
The conflict that started with a coffee shop brawl, swiftly spiraled out of control, with the Al-Arab carrying out a humiliating reprisal shave on a leading member of the Fallaheen family, followed by all-out battles with sticks and clubs. Police and community leaders then intervened, restoring a relative calm to the town, the paper said, with those worst hit by the conflict set to remain indoors for the coming weeks pending the regrowth of their manliness.
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